My Cancer Story

In August 2021 I was diagnosed with stage 4 B prostate cancer that had methesided in my bones and was discovered in a biopsy of a tumor on my right femur. In the months prior I was in-countering severe joint pains in my groin, lower back and right leg.

Though I was still mobile and able to drive I was having lots of discomfort but like most men I refused to go to the doctors to have it checked. When I finally went to the doctors he basically sent me therapy and rest thinking that I had a bruise muscle in my leg or groin area.

Although he took x-rays of my knee and my upper right leg there was no sign of any major injury or issue in my physical structure. I continued with my daily activities taking my Advil every day for the pain and moving forward for several months.

In the beginning of August 2021 my wife had several doctor appointments and I had to take her to with discomfort and having issues walking at that point when on her last appointment as I was getting into my car something snapped in my right leg and I was basically paralyzed.

My leg swelled up to three times its size and basically felt like it was just dangling or hanging on a string I was not able to move get out of my car or get into my house for several hours where we had to have some neighbors and friends carry me into the house and put me on the couch. I lived and slept and ate on the couch for several weeks after the injury as I could not move or go very far with my crutches.

I contacted a local orthopedic surgeon in Georgia to try to get an appointment to see him so he could check my leg and do x-rays and so forth on my leg to determine what the problem was. He had so many appointments ahead of me that I had to wait two weeks to go see him. when I finally saw him he took x-rays and an MRI of my whole right side and my lower back area. The results showed that I had broken my right femur approximately 6 inches from the socket and that there was a mass on the outside of the bone. At this time he determined that it was critical for me to get to a surgeon as soon as possible and scheduled me to go see another specialist in Atlanta.

I was transported several days later by a local ambulance for a 2 Hour Drive to Northside hospital in Atlanta so I could be seen by the orthopedic surgeon at that hospital. Again they ran additional x-rays and MRI to see exactly where they were going to have to fuse my leg back together again. On Monday morning August 23, 2021 I went into surgery at which time they ran a biopsy of the tumor and determined that it was cancer. The surgeon inserted a steel rod from my hip joint down to my knee in order to repair the break in my femur bone. I began my recovery therapy and stayed in the hospital for several day’s. I went home and began my 6 week (3 times a week) in home therapy to learn to walk again.

The Diagnosis was that I have stage 4 B prostate cancer and my PSA level was at 96.

My life saver is the following which I highly recommend for any one with any form of Cancer this product will reduce and eliminate the Cancer in a short period of time. I just ask you to do your own research with the information I have given you and remember that the medical community does not support or indorse this product. I have been cancer free since 2022 and PSA levels have remain at around 0.014.

FenBen- Inhibits tumor cell growth in vivo by inducing apoptosis (shrinkage of cancer cells or making them disappear) of tumor cells.

I started my treatment at the Georgia Cancer Center and was prescribed the following:

Lupron – every 3 months- Lupron is a type of hormone therapy for prostate cancer. It works by lowering the amount of testosterone in a person’s body, which helps slow the growth of cancer cells. Doctors often prescribe hormone therapies in combination with radiation therapy or following surgery.

Zometa – every 3 months – Zometa  helps reduce bone damage and bone pain that can occur when cancer forms in your bones. The drug slows the breakdown of bone, so it can help prevent bone weakening that can lead to fractures. By slowing bone breakdown, Zometa can also make it harder for the cancer to grow in your bones.

Prednazone- 5mg 1per day – Prednisone is in a class of medications called corticosteroids. It works to treat patients with low levels of corticosteroids by replacing steroids that are normally produced naturally by the body. It works to treat other conditions by reducing swelling and redness and by changing the way the immune system works.Mar 15, 2020.

Abiraterone Acetate – 250mg 4 per day – Abiraterone acetate, sold under the brand name Zytiga among others, is a medication used to treat prostate cancer.Specifically it is used together with a corticosteroid for metastaticcastration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and metastatic high-risk castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC).It should either be used following removal of the testicles or along with a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog.[It is taken by mouth.

Supplement Medications:

FenBen- Inhibits tumor cell growth in vivo by inducing apoptosis (shrinkage of cancer cells or making them disappear) of tumor cells.

Turkey Tail Mushroom– Contains compounds called polysaccharopeptide (PSP) and polysaccharide-k (PSK) to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. It also helps with the healthy gut system which will improve overall health.

Turmeric Curcumin-Contains anticancerous properties that may stop the spread and growth of cancerous cells.It has been proven to help with prostate cancer. ** This is also known to help with Joint pain such as arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties.

Milk Thistle– Is to support the liver and indigestion.

Vitamin D– Is protective against prostate cancer, in particular more aggressive types of prostate cancer. ** Vit. D is also good for joint pain. Most people with arthritis was linked to VITAMIN D DEFICIENT.

Vitamin D + K2- D and K2 fight together and lower the risk of prostate cancer by 40%. Most men who have prostate cancer have the K2 DEFICIENCY  and higher doses of the K2 will help kill any cells.