Online Depression Psychotherapy

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When doing standard therapy for depression many issues show up and it is difficult to navigate through them. Working through these issues one by one can take many years. Even if eventually successful with these issues, in many cases the depression still does not go away. There is a good reason for this. But there is another kind of therapy, which is both fast and deep. It resolves not only the issues but the underlying depression in one fell swoop.

We begin our lives being intuitive, happy and playful. Challenging circumstances of relationships and events in our youth frequently cause us to stop the flow of our intuition. When this happens many times, the blocking of intuition becomes a habit. With our intuition blocked we don’t feel alive any more.

Most people aren’t aware of the importance of intuition for being happy. Being intuitive is like being who you really are and knowing what you want to do with your life.

The decision to block what is natural to you, your intuition, happens when you feel threatened or experience too much suffering. For example, if you want to do something that your parents don’t allow you to do, you keep wanting it and they keep not allowing you to do it. Eventually you decide it isn’t worth it to keep trying over and over because they won’t let you do it anyway. As a child you are afraid to lose your parents support. Yet it’s a lot of suffering to want and not to receive. So at some point, you start to not listen to your intuition. The knowledge of what you truly want becomes less and less accessible to you.

And what a sad life it becomes. Without knowing what you want, how can you ever be happy? It is not surprising that people who had blocked their intuition now feel that their lives are meaningless. This is part of what depression is. Therapists have looked far and wide for its causes and solutions. The answer is closer and more natural than most think. The blocking of intuition creates depression and the unblocking of intuition eliminates it.

When you learn how to unblock your intuition, you start feeling alive. There is a special way of using art in therapy sessions which enables the unblocking of intuition. It provides your intuition with a clear path to the surface. As this happens, your intuition itself guides you to a new way of being. Your suffering begins to dissolve and you become happier. Amazingly, and unlike most talking therapies, all this happens very quickly.

Blocked intuition brings about many secondary issues. For example: You may start to believe that you don’t deserve to be who you are and do what you want. You may believe that you are a bad person.

Some people, out of their frustration at not being able to have what they want, will start to be aggressive toward others and some will turn their anger and frustration inward and punish themselves. These issues seem to be separate from the depression and many times become the focus of the therapy. But as they are secondary issues that came about because of the initial blocking of intuition, it is impossible to resolve them satisfactorily without dissolving the blockage first.

With intuition-activation-through-art, amazingly the main blockage shows up very early in the therapy and it becomes possible to resolve it. When intuition starts to flow, there is no need any more for the secondary issues and they simply disappear without the need to deal with them. The underlying depression disappears as well.

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