Overview Of An Coronary Angiography

The blood which flows through your arteries carries oxygen to your heart. If the muscle does not receive a steady supply, it will starve. If that happens, the heart can become damaged and the patient’s life may be put at risk.

Over time, plaque can start to build within the arteries. Plaque is comprised of fats, cholesterol, and other elements that are found in a person’s blood. As it accumulates along the inside of the arterial wall, the passageway through which blood flows becomes restricted. If the buildup becomes too large and the passageway shrinks too far, the patient might experience a heart attack.

Doctors will normally perform a coronary angiography (CA) to check whether an artery is blocked and how far the blockage has developed. It is done by inserting a catheter into the target artery and injecting a special dye into the bloodstream. The doctor will then take x-rays to note the flow of the dye. This is one of the most efficient methods that doctors use to see what is happening inside your arteries.

When Might A Doctor Suggest The Procedure?

A physician will typically recommend a coronary angiography if a patient complains of symptoms consistent with coronary heart disease. For example, a patient might complain of pressure in his chest, or pain throughout his arms, shoulders, neck, and jaw. These are symptoms related to angina.

Also, if a person suffers sudden cardiac arrest or experiences a heart attack, a physician might perform a CA as part of an emergency procedure. If a blocked artery is causing the immediate danger, he or she might perform angioplasty to force open the blockage.

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A coronary angiography is not a serious procedure and there are rarely any problems that occur while performing it. The patient will normally be awake the entire time. Having said that, doctors will be happy to explain how a CA is performed if a person has questions or concerns.

There is rarely any discomfort or pain during a CA. The patient will lie on his or her back and the area in which the catheter is inserted will be numbed. Once the catheter is in place, the dye is injected. Then, x-rays are taken in order that the physician can study the target arteries and identify blockages.

Usually, a patient will have a small bruise in the area in which the catheter was inserted. Besides the bruise, there are few, if any, lasting effects. As a precaution, the person who underwent the CA will normally be kept at the facility for a few hours so the doctor can watch his or her blood pressure.

A coronary angiography is one of the best methods a doctor can use to quickly identify arterial blockages. The procedure is nearly always simple, painless, and trouble-free.

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