Vitamin D is a great part of proper nutrition, but this great pregnancy nutrient has so many other functions in the body. Vitamin D’s role is fundamentally calcium maintenance; in this role it maintains the healthy calcium levels in your bones. When pregnant, vitamin D may work in a similar fashion. However, this specific vitamin also touches hundreds of diverse genes and to affect multiple areas of wellbeing.
The research surrounding vitamin D is expanding every day, and recently the American Academy of Dermatology has updated their recommendations to caution the public not to not getting sufficient vitamin D. Vitamin D insufficiency is where you do not have the optimal amount of vitamin D circulating in your body, but are not identifiably deficient in the nutrient. In reference to their new guidelines, the American Academy of Dermatology’s new guidance is as follows:
“The vitamin D position statement supports the Academy’s long-held conviction on safe ways to get this important vitamin – through a healthy diet which incorporates foods naturally rich in vitamin D, vitamin D-fortified foods and beverages, and vitamin D supplements,” said David Pariser, president of the American Academy of Dermatology.
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Does this alter the guidance on vitamin D and pregnancy? Not specifically. You should still get acceptable sun exposure to manufacture the vitamin and get the rest through a healthy and balanced diet. Supplementation may help as well.
As the head pregnancy author for Bloom’en Nutrition Chewable prenatal vitamins, Julie Xillion provides pregnant mothers with pregnancy, nutrition and maternity resources and helps guide them through the journey.