Quit Smoking Now: Decide on the Ideas That Makes Sense to YOU!

The following methods include several of those especially popular with ex-smokers.

Keep in mind that winning systems are as special as the people who use them.

What may seem inane to others may be just what you necessitate to stop – so don’t be uncomfortable to try something different.

These methods can make your own individual attempts a little more simple.

Pick the thoughts that make sense to you – whether it be a quit smoking pill like Chantix, quit smoking hypnosis or something else. And then follow through – you’ll have a much better chance of triumph.


Decide that you want to stop smoking. Try to stay away from disapproving thoughts about how tough it may be.

Begin to condition yourself physically: Start a modest exercise program; drink more fluids; get plenty of rest; and avoid fatigue.

List all the motives for why you want to quit smoking. Every nightfall before going to bed, recap one of the motives 9 times.

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Set a target date for quitting – perhaps a special day such as your birthday, your anniversary, or the Great American Smokeout. If you smoke heavily at work, stop smoking during your vacation so that you’re already committed to quitting when you return. Make the date sacred, and don’t let anything change it. This will make it easy for you to keep track of the day you became a nonsmoker and to celebrate that date every year.


Have realistic expectations – quitting isn’t easy, but it’s not impossible either. More than 3 million Americans stop smoking every year.

Understand that withdrawal symptoms are TEMPORARY. They usually last only 1-2 weeks.

Know that most relapses occur in the first week after quitting, when withdrawal symptoms are strongest and your body is still dependent on nicotine. Be aware that this will be your hardest time, and use all your personal resources – willpower, family, friends, and the tips in this booklet – to get you through this critical period successfully.

Know that most other relapses occur in the first 3 months after quitting, with situational triggers – such as a particularly stressful event – occur unexpectedly. These are the times when people reach for cigarettes automatically, because they associate smoking with relaxing. This is the kind of situation that’s hard to prepare yourself for until it happens, so it’s especially important to recognize it if it does happen. Remember that smoking is a habit, but a habit you can break.

Realize that most successful ex-smokers quit for good only after several attempts. You may be one of those who can quit smoking your first try. But if you’re not, DON’T GIVE UP. Try again.

Quitting smoking is difficult, but with serious guidance you can succeed too. For information on how to quit smoking, especially using a quit smoking pill visit our website, where you also for a limited period of time can download our 149 pages quit smoking ebook.