Radiologist Assistant – Training And Education

A radiologist assistant (RA) is a radiography technician, or a radiographer who has taken additional education and certifications. They can do some of the more advanced imaging jobs, and they do not require supervision. In many cases, the radiologist assistant will operate in quite an autonomous way, not being under the view of a radiologist, but merely operating under the auspices of a licensed physician who is a radiologist.

In the United States, the RA position is relatively new, and there are fewer than fifty courses to be taken. There will likely be an increase in the number of courses as the field becomes more and more accepted. More universities today are offering radiologist assistant courses than in the previous years. The radiologist assistant courses are in some cases, still in development, as this is a reasonably new addition to the allied medical professions.

If you want to become a radiologist assistant, you will need to finish a radiology assistant course recognized by the American Registry of Radologic Technologist.

As of 2010, there are a total of 11 programs being offered in the RA field. These courses will require either a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree. In the radiology field, it is impossible to obtain a degree lower than a Bachelor’s.

You will need to both complete the course and graduate in good standing if you wish to become a radiology assistant. Something to note is that RA programs are only available to those who have already spent a considerable amount of time as a technician.

All things considered, the degree program for a radiologist assistant will take about two years to finish, and will include: patient assessment, care plans, diagnosis, testing, clinical radiology, radio-biology, pharmacology, and of course, ethics.

If you elect to take a Master’s Degree level radiologist assistant course you will also be required to produce a master’s thesis in order to complete your course. Along with those requirements, you might actually need to do some continuing education if you wish to stay certified.

Aside from the graduation of an accredited degree program for your profession, the radiologist assistant must also take and pass an examination in order to practice. While not every state requires some kind of state licensing, there are accrediting bodies that require it for your profession. Only a fraction of the states now require a state license to practice.

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As with every other medical profession, the ARRT demands that you be certified in ACLS – a certification offered by the American Heart Association.

It will of course be important that you renew your radiologist assistant license every year, and your radiology technician certification every two years.

This annual renewal will ensure that you keep your job. Renewal fees must also be paid for your technician certification every two years. Note that if you wish to be a radiologist assistant, you need to be a radiologist technologist.

Many of the duties performed by a standard radiologist are the same as those carried out by a radiologist assistant. As a radiologist assistant you will be assisting or performing various invasive techniques like fluoroscopy, x-rays, and even MRI’s. The radiologist assistant will typically conduct these tests and then report the results to a licensed radiologist, who will make all final decisions as to the testing outcome.

The need for new graduate radiology assistants, according to the ASRT is expected to grow exponentially in the next decade. There are currently not enough radiologists or radiologist assistants to keep apace of the work that is already being done. Being unable to keep pace with the vast numbers of people requiring diagnostic testing, the need for this health care field will continue to increase.

The American Medical Association reported in 2009 and 2010 that radiologist assistants are becoming both popular and needed. Depending on the area in which the RA is practicing, they may expect a salary of around $100,000 USD per year.

To learn more about radiologist assistant, please visit: Physician Assistant Salary