RC Car Fun: Getting Started

Remote control cars, Ah the memories they bring back. Did you have one when you were a little kid too? Do you remember the thrills of tearing around familiar streets, zipping in and out around people’s feet at the park?

Today you can revisit your childhood fun, easier than you may have imagined. RC car involvement has reached an all time high and people of all ages are bringing out their remote control vehicles. RC car clubs are cropping up all over and enjoying tournaments, car shows and camaraderie. Entire cities are getting involved by sponsoring the tiny little speed demons.

Getting started is easier than many people realize. To get started, check your city for a hobby shop or store that may specialize in remote control cars. They will be able to let you know about clubs that may be in your area. Venture to the shop and see what they have to offer.

For beginners venturing in, some hobbyists recommend that you start off with a used car. This is to help you get a feel for driving, save you some money and possibly give you a project to work on. What do we mean by project. Well, just like with a used car that you buy that you want to fix up, you have that opportunity with a used remote control car. Fix up the body, fix up the engine, change the tires and much more.

With a used car, you don’t have to worry about messing it up, many have a fear of this, but when you are just starting out, a beginner car gives you a little more freedom and a chance to gain experience. Once you have had a chance to play with your used car, find ways of fixing it up and more, you can then move into making your major purchase with a brand new car. You can choose to stick with a battery operated car or try out one of the gas operated cars that are available. If you are unsure, talk to the experienced hobbyist and see what they recommend when you are ready to purchase a new car.
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When you find local tracks, get out and visit them as often as possible. Doing this will give you a better understanding of what the RC car world is all about. You may become interested in competitions, national clubs and more. Be warned once you are infected with the RC car bug you will be amazed at all the fun that has been lurking undetected.

Getting started can seem like a daunting task but there are several reading materials about RC car hobbyist that will make it much easier. Web sites that sell cars are abundant, but there are also magazines and books you can benefit from. Even your local library may have some excellent resources on the subject, and that information is free to use.

Now if you are more adventurous, jump in with both feet and hang on for a fun ride, you will be amazed at the world of rc cars and what it has to offer. Who knows you and your car may be the next champions for your city in the rc field.

Paul has been modifying and racing scale rc cars for 10+ years. Learn more about them and rc car racing by visiting his blog.