Saving Money 10 Tips

Tip 1 ” Credit cards certainly offer a solution when people are short of cash but need to make a purchase. They are usually offered at extremely low or no interest rates for a short term and this is dramatically increased thereafter. The interest incurred can often become unmanageable and spiral out of control. This in turn leads to repossession of goods and in some cases homelessness. It is sometimes helpful to consolidate all of the debts into one easier to handle, low cost loan and save hundreds of pounds each year.

Tip 2 – When it comes to buying yourself something essential like a second car or some furniture for your home why not consider using the local classifieds in the newspapers where you live or if they have their online. Generally you may find yourself saving yourself a considerable sum on the same items if you were to visit your local car dealer or furniture store.

Tip 3 ” As the price of household bills has increased somewhat over the last year or so it could be worth doing a little shopping around for a bargain online. Many companies will offer better rates and sometimes a better service too. Comparison websites offer an easier way to compare all of the offers available to you.

Tip 4 – When you go shopping for the weekly or monthly food don’t go when you are hungry and take a prepared list with you. This way you are actually going to prevent yourself from picking up those items which are not essential and which you like the look of. Certainly you will not only be looking after yourself but also your wallet as well.

Tip 5 ” There are many local classified websites and newspapers offering a sound place to advertise your unwanted and unused belongings. Sometimes they charge a small fee and sometimes they are free. Why not give them a go and see if you can make any money out of your old bits and pieces whilst having a healthy clear out at the same time.

Tip 6 ” It is always good to scout round for the best deal before renewing your insurance – reason being, there are so many companies out there that might be able to beat your quote.

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Tip 8 – If you can rather than arranging for a professional to come in and fix a minor problem in your home try and tackle the situation yourself first. There are plenty of colleges close to where you live who offer short courses in dealing with minor emergencies in the home so why not sign up for one of these.

Tip 9 – Although it may seem difficult try and put a little money aside each month to cover any emergencies that arise or to help pay off your mortgage a little more quickly. So rather than going out drinking every weekend with your mates spend it at home and use that money towards other essentials you need including paying off your credit card.

Tip 10 ” Cut down on extravagant spending, this is seriously dangerous. If you can not afford to pay cash, then you can not afford it! Cut down and save money!

Debt is a major problem for many people, by taking note of the above steps you will soon be able to keep on the straight and narrow and stay debt free.

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