Six Helpful Hints On Handling Hyperactive Grand Parents

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The birth of a child is an exciting time for parents to be, as well as for grand parents. Most grand parents are a welcome addition to the family although some can be overly excited by the prospect of grandchildren. Many parents resent the time and energy their parents want to spend with their children or feel that the grandparents are over stepping their bounds.

If your children’s grand parents are overly excited and you need help coping there are a few things you can do to make the situation go more smoothly. Here are six tips for dealing with hyperactive grand parents.

One of the most important things you should do if you are uncomfortable with the energy level of your child’s grand parents is to set boundaries. Let your child’s grand parents know definitively what they can and can not do with your children and when they can see them. If you are uncomfortable with their actions let them know how far they can go.

Unless there is a serious reason why your child’s grand parents should not spend time with them, a good way to lessen the stress of dealing with grandparents is to schedule a regular time for them to spend with their grand kids. Whatever you feel comfortable with, once a month or more or less, will allow grand parents to feel like they are a important part of the family and alleviate some of the stress.

Grand parents are usually excited and just want to take part in the joy of raising a child. Whatever your comfort level is give grandparents something to feel important about so that they don’t have too much anxiety or excitement over helping wit the grand kids.

You should also try to foster a positive relationship between your child and their grand parents. Even if you have issues with them, try to make your interactions positive.

If your child’s grandparents are overly excited and act outside of your comfort zone, you can suggest activities that they can do. This way they get to interact with their grand kids in a way you can feel comfortable about.

Above all, don’t feel guilty for making decisions about your children. Yes grand parents are very important, but you are the parent and ultimately the decisions about your child rest with you.

Dealing with over excited grand parents can be challenging. Remember to remain clam and find interactions that make you feel comfortable.

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