Stretch Mark Action You Can Take

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It first needs to be established that stretch marks are really scars. They are the damage left behind when the the skin has been stretched past its limit. This understanding is necessary so that we can continue with a discussion about how to prevent and treat them.

Stretch marks are a risk any time there is an occasion of rapid weight gain or weight loss. Typically it is pregnant women who are affected due to the sudden stretching of the stomach as the baby grows. But this is not the only group that is subject to getting them.

Bodybuilders frequently get stretch marks as they gain size from putting on muscle mass. These are typically found on the biceps and pectoral area. Teenagers going through puberty will also get stretch marks as their bodies grow and change quickly.

Stretch mark creams, like Trilastin-SR have become a popular treatment choice over the past few years. These can be purchased in stores and on the Internet. Many women report very effective results.

Surgery is another option to treat stretch marks. Unfortunately this can be both costly and painful. Be sure to consult with your physician if you want more information about this choice.

Prevention is the best stretch mark treatment of all. This is not always the easiest to implement. Try to exercise and eat sensibly during pregnancy. Also keep your skin well moisturized. This will allow it to endure the pulling and stretching the your growing belly will be going through.

Many women are unnecessarily obsessed with their stretch marks. They make them feel self conscious and embarrassed. This is too bad, because they are a natural part of life and child bearing. Men by and large don’t care, so you shouldn’t either.

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