Stretch Mark Treatment. Best Stretch Mark Remedy.

If you have stretch marks, there is no question as to why you would seek a stretch mark remedy. Seeing stretch marks on your body can affects your self esteem, which is why most people seek the best stretch mark cream or stretch mark treatments available.

What are Stretch Marks and What Causes Them?

Stretch marks occur when connective tissue in the skin breaks down in the dermis. At the beginning it looks a bit like purplish riverbeds. Over time that coloration disappears and what’s left is silver lines that can grow wider and longer. Worse, make up doesn’t seem to help much. Stretch marks are one of the most common skin changes during pregnancy and excess weight gain.

The cause of stretch marks can vary. Some people may get them due to hormonal changes (like pregnancy and growth spurs). Some may experience them when they loose or gain weight. Others still may find that gaining or loosing muscle causes stretch marks. Other potential contributing factors include poor diet, dramatic environmental changes, and prescription medications.

Effects of Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are harmless except when it comes to self-esteem. This is especially true for someone who has worked hard to lose weight and get in shape only to discover a visual reminder left behind – stretch marks, and no stretch mark remedy in sight. How discouraging!
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What about Stretch Mark Remover and Home Remedies?

Most people are overwhelmed by the number of stretch mark creams and other treatments on the market today. Some old fashion treatments include cocoa butter, vitamin E, or lemon juice. While these may not work too well for many people, they do look appealing when compared to the cost (over $1,000 for one session!) laser surgery stretch mark removal treatments.

Stretch Mark Treatment: Natural Options?

The editors of this site have found a product that they can really get behind to help people with stretch marks. It’s called a Skin Roller. The beauty of this hand held device is that anyone can use it (even if you’re pregnant) and it’s more cost effective than either commercial creams or laser surgery. The Derma Roller is excellent for wrinkles, scar removal, cellulite treatment, and as a remedy for stretch marks. The Derma roller helps all these things by encouraging collagen production in the skin. The tool is FDA approved, and bears a 100% money back guarantee. Better still it can even be used to remove wrinkles and fine lines in sensitive areas like near the eyes.

As a health advisor, L. Robison has experience in skin aging and skin disorders. Get a Free guide to Stretch Mark Removal Treatments and llearn about the derma roller, acne scar healing, beauty product reviews, face exercises, and plastic surgery mistakes at Wrinkle Free Skin Tips.