acai berry diet

Acai Berry Overview

The Acai berry has lately taken the health world by storm. This small, rotund black-purple drupe, available in the remotest regions of the Amazon rain forest, is the cornerstone of the Acai berry diet, a dietary plan that yields phenomenal results. The Caboclo population in Brazil swear by it; the little Acai berry constitutes 42% of their diet, making it their most essential plant species.

Medical Side Of Acai Berry Diet

When you take a look at most of the dietary crazes that have swept through the internet, many have changed to be scams on one level or another. At the very least, each one was guilty of expansion bordering on false advertising. Given that particular fact, it is no wonder that many people are nervous about the acai berry diet.

The Most Hyped New Diet: The Acai Berry

The Acai Berry diet, originating from within the Amazon rainforest, has been publicised by many experts a super food, with one example being the best selling author Dr. Perricone. Comprising astonishing weight loss potential, the Acai Berry diet has been encircled by rapidly growing buzz since appearances on major chat shows like Oprah.