acai berry supplements

The Most Modern New Diet: The Acai Berry

The Acai Berry diet, originating from within the Amazon rainforest, has recently been widely acclaimed, with some even so far as calling it a super food. Comprising extraordinary weight loss potential, the Acai Berry diet is one of the most hyped products on the market after the emergence of several related best selling books.

The Background Of The Acai Berry

The Acai Berry is possibly the hottest new discovery in the weight loss market in the last decade, but the origins of the fruit are little known. Well, it originates from the Amazonian basin and grows from the Acai Palm, and has been used by the people of South America, mostly Brazil, for various centuries now for the medicinal merits it holds.

The Most Promoted New Diet: The Acai Berry

The Acai Berry diet, originating from within the Amazon rainforest, has been heralded by many experts a super food, with one example being the best selling author Dr. Perricone. Comprising extraordinary weight loss potential, the Acai Berry diet has been encircled by rapidly growing buzz since appearances on major chat shows like Oprah.