Acne Treatments

Finding The Right Acne Skincare

Finding the right acne skincare has been an ongoing battle for ages amongst both men and women. It can be frustrating for many, however, when trying different methods or repeatedly spending money on new, so-called state of the art treatments, only to be left disappointed later on.

Does Bacteria Cause Acne?

The mechanism that underlies acne development, especially in the case of acne bacteria, is poorly understood. Most often attribute acne lesions directly to bacteria. To this fallacy we owe the constant pestering which most of us endured as children. There was not a day that could go by without your mother or father reminding you to scrub your face. In those days, parents were convinced that the washing would mean no bacteria and oils to create acne. Present day teenagers who have experimented with the washing regimen will tell you first hand that it is not enough.

Pimples On Chest – How To Get Rid Of Chest Acne

If you are planning a trip to the beach and have everything ready to go, your suntan lotion packed and your swimsuit on and look down to see acne on your chest, you need to know how to get rid of pimples on your chest NOW!