computer software

Microsoft Excel 2007 Number Formats

When entering numbers into a spreadsheet, you sometimes need to ensure that the number format is consistent. For example, if the numbers in question represent prices, you may want to display a currency symbol or you may simply want to make sure that the number of decimals displayed is consistent..

The Microsoft Word 2007 Mini Toolbar

The Mini toolbar is a floating palette which automatically appears when you highlight text. Initially all the options it contains are discreetly dimmed. However, when you position the cursor over its controls, the Mini toolbar becomes activated.

Do I Need To Use an Adware Spyware Uninstaller and Virus Cleaner?

The number one concern of spyware is to steal all the information it can about you. The creeps who use this stuff want all your personal and financial information so they can get rich off of it. Rarely are they concerned about wrecking your computer even though spyware certainly will cause problems with it if it is left alone. However, it is the virus program writers do want to ruin your computer.