Digestive System

Purging Anorexia

Purging anorexia is a type of anorexia where an individual will have the tendency to induce vomiting once he or she has eaten. The sufferer will eat and after digesting they will immediately be overcome with a sense of shame and guilt for the action that they have done and will force themselves to be sick to rid themselves of the food. This is done either through vomiting or ingesting diuretics or laxatives to take out the food they have eaten.

Dual Action Cleanse- Natural Colon Cleansing Diet

Now a days, poor functioning of the body parts has become an increasing problem among people. It usually happens that while eating oily food having high fat content it gets deposited on the stomach walls leading to toxics. These toxics can be really very dangerous at times, especially, if not treated at the right time.

Is The Acai Berry Still So Popular

The popularity of Acai berry has increased a lot in recent years. Even it is termed as one of best fruit in the world. But all of a sudden the craze for Acai berry happens if we see there is a solid reason behind it. Acai berry is not only helpful for shedding the excess weight but it also has antioxidant and some other properties.