employment agency

Why a Hong Kong Maid Agency Can Be Trusted

Notice that a Hong Kong maid agency or any business in Hong Kong for that matter always claims to be around in the business for years. Otherwise, they are legally accredited in the government and prove their success later. These claims no matter how idealistic they may seem are actually factual. Doing business in Hong Kong really is good, value-worth and transparent. There are actually established factors that back it up.

Things to Know When Putting Up an Employment Agency

If you are on the lookout for a new business to establish in Hong Kong, why not consider putting up an employment agency, particularly a domestic helper agency. The potential of a business like this is big especially now that the demand for housemaids in HK is high. Should you feel interested in getting into this type of business, here are some of the things to consider:

Filipino Maids HK – Why Filipino Maids Prefer Western Employers

A huge number of filipino domestic helpers in Hong Kong usually call our employment agency and ask if we have Western employers available. What is it that filipino domestic helpers prefer Western employers instead of Chinese employers ?