
International Health Insurance Plan Primer

Individuals who travel overseas for extended period of time, or non-US citizens who spend time in the US, need to consider their health insurance needs prior to traveling. For those who travel for at least 6 months at a time, the health insurance plan they have in their home country may not cover them while traveling abroad.

Paper Plate Mask

When making Halloween crafts, a fairly fun thing to make is a paper plate mask. The brilliant thing about a paper plate mask is that you can use all sorts of creative concepts to make different creatures. A paper plate mask can be anything your child can envision, and with some creativity, they can transform themselves into anything from a tiger to a rat, a moggy, or a bat. These are some tips on how to make a paper plate mask.

Gift Ideas For The Halloween Season

The Halloween season is known as a time for scary aura wandering spooks, people in monster and goblin costumes, and tricks that are waiting for treats. Although it should be a scary time of the year, people these days consider it as a joyous celebration in commemorating departed family by celebrating parties and even gift-giving.