home and family

Shiny Object Syndrome – A Must-Know For Every Home Based Business Owner

The Shiny Object Syndrome is one of the greatest enemies to business success. You as an entrepreneur are probably highly creative, intuitive and optimistic by nature, and it’s likely common for you to have a mind full of new ideas at any given moment.

The Washer Appliance As An Instrument Of Social Change

Studies by sociologists and historians of science have pointed out that many of the great social upheavals such as women joining the work force were due to the increasing availability of home appliances. Women spent almost 60 hours a week doing chores but that number dropped to less than 18, in 1900 and 1975 respectively.

Sacramento Appliance Mending And Help

Whenever a household appliance breaks down it is necessary to find a qualified company that can fix it. However, technicians that are ill equipped to handle such situations can result in appliances staying broken for months. Therefore, a few things should be considered and understood before any Sacramento appliance repair and service companies are phoned. Usually these businesses offer services […]