home security

Reasons to Consider Portable Security Alarms

Often, when imagining security alarms, we think of hefty and complicated systems installed by a specialist that are uniquely configured for any given home. This is not always the case, however. A new generation of portable security alarms are providing increased security and flexibility on a budget, often with little special expertise required, and in situations where a more traditional system would be impractical at best or impossible at worst.

Why Are Shutters So Popular on Homes?

Even though you can’t tell, most shutters on houses are there just for decoration. Many house shutters are what are called decorative shutters that look great but provide no real benefit. They are made to look like the real thing but they really are for aesthetic value only. If you have a chance, take a close look at the shutters on some houses in your neighborhood. you will most likely see that the majority of them are just for decoration.