Martial Arts

Intro To Thailand’s National Sport

In a previous article called “Boxing vs. MMA” I wrote that MMA is becoming more popular than boxing and one of those reasons is because MMA has even more strategy than boxing. MMA fighters don’t have to worry about just different types of boxers but different types of fighting styles altogether. One of the styles used in MMA is Muay Thai.

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Mixed martial arts is a contact fighting sport which allows a large variety of battle ability and tactics. Classic martial arts contests only allow one style of fighting, but mixed martial arts includes actions and methods from multiple fighting strategies. Mixed martial arts allow grappling and striking tactics, and fighters scan combat either on the ground or standing. These kinds of competitions allow fighters from many different backgrounds to be able to compete.

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MMA has literally sky rocketed in popularity over the last few years! Going from small shows that they couldn’t even fill the small arenas and they weren’t televised either! They have gone from that to a multi-million pound business, showing live sold out events on Pay Per View. It’s really an incredible turn of events for mixed martial arts. It’s also the fastest growing sport in the country right now! impressive right!