
The Top 5 Tablet PC’s Or Ipad Alternatives Right Now

If you have not noticed already, this year is the year of the tablet pc. Although it has been around for many years, the tablet pc has become fashionable thanks to Apple’s iPad. The iPad is currently the most popular example of a tablet pc, but now many mainstream manufacturers like Dell, Samsung, HP and Blackberry and HTC are now offering credible ipad alternatives. We’ve compiled a shortlist of the top iPad alternatives currently on the market.

Mini Laptops And You – Is It Worth Having One? Will A Mini Laptop Help You? Are Mini Laptops A Waste Of Money? Is It A Waste Of Money To Buy A Mini Laptop?

So, your eye has been caught by the sleek mini laptop a friend or colleague is now toting around. They are light, super portable, and in some cases unbelievably cute. Before you slip out the credit card consider whether it is actually a wise investment or just a passing fad.