Personal Computer

Warning: Remember This Before Working on Your Computer!

Opening your personal computer to clean up hardware or check some of the components can be dangerous to its health. Motherboards and components such as memory, video cards, sound cards, and hard drives all contain small Integrated Circuits which are very susceptible to Static Electricity. Static Electricity is the spark you see when you touch a doorknob after walking across the floor. The problem with static electricity is if you touch a component in your computer when your body is charged up then there is what is known as an Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) across the components. ESD causes pitting of the surfaces of the components which may not cause an immediate failure but can lead to failure in the long term and cost a lot of money in replacement costs. Below are some precautions to follow as well as tips to remember when working on your computer.

Some PDA Information for You

Have you ever found yourself at odds because you forgot an appointment or were out and about town and needed to send an email? Do not feel alone because many people find themselves in this situation. They need a device to carry with them that is portable, has the functions of a computer and will allow them to keep up with current events. Sometimes a phone just does not cut it. Why not try a pocket PC to help you out?