
Basic Things You Need To Know About Portrait Photography

A portrait, also known as a portraiture, is a photo centering on a person or small groups facial expression while they are in a still position. This is to display the personality, mood and the likeness of the person or group. You can also include the whole body and background in portrait photography as well. When taking a portrait photo the person or group is generally looking strait at the camera.

How To Protect Your Digital Camera

A wonderful way to preserve memories and store them for the next generation is to take photographs. For many years, people have used cameras to make photographs. One of the types of cameras most used today by many people is the digital camera. Since it is very user friendly most people have an affinity to it. Most digital devices are sensitive and require proper care and protection. Read on to learn more about how to protect your camera from damage.

A Different Look At Bridal Photography

Wedding photography includes pictures of the couple before the marriage, as well as coverage of the actual ceremony and reception. The two approaches in wedding photography are traditional and photojournalism. Traditional bridal photography consists of classically posed images. In this approach, there is much interaction with the photographer on the day of the wedding. In the photojournalistic approach, the images recorded are much more subtle with less photographer interaction. These two approaches are the two extremes of photographic styles. Today most photographers will side with one of the two styles.