plant care

The Popular Madonna Lily In The West

Although most lilies can be transplanted in September, it is desirable to plant Madonna lily bulbs in August. Madonna lilies start rooting at once and develop a small rosette of leaves before winter sets in, and these remain green throughout the winter. Unlike other lilies, the Madonna lily should be planted shallow. The bulb can be planted with the top of the bulb placed just underneath the soil, or somewhat deeper, but usually no more than two inches deep.

Be Native And Go For Beach Plum

The beach plum, Prunus maritima, is an interesting and worthwhile native fruit, the virtues of which are well-known to dwellers along the sandy regions of the Atlantic Coast, especially on Cape Cod and adjacent portions of Massachusetts. From New Brunswick to the Carolinas it inhabits the sea beaches and sand dunes, often extending inland a few miles on similar soils.