
Laptop Battery Life

Are you frustrated by your laptop battery? Imagine sitting down at Starbucks and getting ready to surf the Net while drinking a latte – just to find that your battery is going flat in 5 minutes. I dislike it when that happens. I know you dislike it too. So that’s topic we will address in this article. How can we increase the battery life of our laptop? Turns out there are numerous ways to do it – we’ll chat about five of them correct here. Read on and enjoy …

Great Games To Play On Your Laptop

Have you ever wondered which are the best laptop games to play on your laptop? What makes a good laptop game actually? Well, the best games would be those with low system requirements and high replay value. Many types of games fit these criteria and in this article, we will take a look at some of them. Read on and learn more

Laptop Upgrades You Can Perform Yourself

Do you have an old laptop which you feel is in need of an upgrade, or a tune up? Well, the possibilities for upgrading an existing laptop are quite limitless. From Bluetooth to wireless adapters, and additional RAM to a new hard drive – these are all stuff you can do to improve your existing laptop. In this article we will look at 5 laptop upgrades you can easily do yourself, without bringing the machine to the manufacturer. Sounds good? Read on and find out more …