treatment for bruise

What Can I Do When A Prescription Drug Like Plavix Causes Easy Bruising?

No one likes to walk around with large bruises on their arms or legs, but if you are currently taking the drug known as Plavix, which might be exactly what you are dealing with. Plavix is a drug that is routinely recommended for a number of different issues, but one thing that people who are on this drug frequently note is that it is a drug that can quickly cause them to be subject to severe bruising. While they are not doing anything differently, they find that normal or routine contact during their day-to-day life will subject them to large bruises, often with a hard center. Though these bruises do not really cause any harm, they are irritating, ugly, and you certainly want to know what is taking place.

Can Jazzercise Really Help Me Prevent Bruising Easily?

For many people, aging brings along a variety of undesired side effects, but one that you might not see coming is easy bruising. Suddenly, bumps and scrapes that would have left you with no mark at all a few years ago will start leaving spreading blotches of blue and purple, and you will be trying to find ways to cover them up in irritation. Forget about simply covering them up and think about what you can do to prevent them instead. As we get older, we bruise more easily because the resiliency of our skin has been reduced.

What Can an Active Running Regimen Do to Help Prevent Bruising?

Do you want a means to overcome the easy bruising that has been giving you fits? As people get older, bruising easily may become an every day situation to have to deal with. Initially, you are likely to be concerned that you might have contracted a disorder that causes you to to be likely to bruise more often, or perhaps that you might be afflicted by a serious disorder where bruising is the primary condition. Then, after a visit to your physician’s office, you learn that your easy bruising is simply a function of your body’s getting older.