Take Fish Oil For Good Skin Health And Looks

I’ve talked recently about serious health concerns and the benefits of fish oil for better health. But skin is the same and needs the good fats in fish oil. Skin loves polyunsaturated fats.

Skin problems aren’t usually life threatening, but more often cosmetic. But even so there are probably as many women interested in skin care as in other health issues. They’re interested in avoiding wrinkles, fine lines around the mouth and eyes, age spots and more.

Enter fish oil. Skin needs to be healthy to look and feel good and function well, and the good healthy Omega 3 fats in fish oil keep our skin healthy. Decrease those bad fats in your diet and increase the Omega 3 fats from fish oil and your skin will get healthier.

Most people who start taking fish oil supplements do so for reasons unconnected to skin health. However there is a tendency for many people who start taking fish oil supplements to report an improvement in specific skin conditions that they might have, as well as an improvement in the look and feel of their skin too.

And its not only skin. Whilst its clear that fish oil for good skin does indeed work, fish oil is also good for your nails and hair. Users of supplements routinely report improvements in nails and hair.

Who why do fish oil and good skin care go together?

The skin has its own natural oils. It produces them itself, but can often suffer from a lack of oils. They can be stripped out by, for example, too much sun or wind or other factors. So people use moisturizers to retain skin moisture and reduce oil loss.

Omega 3 fatty acids are similar and so help the skin produce more of it’s own natural oils.
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And there’s more. One of the reasons for many skin conditions and lack of skin health is skin inflammation. Omega 3 fats are excellent natural anti inflammatories and are, in fact, more effective than aspirin. Taking fish oil supplements helps reduce skin inflammation and so helps heal skin conditions that may be contributing to poor skin health, even if you didn’t know it.

Many skin experts are now prescribing a dose of fish oil for skin health each day. Of course that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also be using great skin care products, you should be doing both.

So whilst there’s excellent reasons to take Omega 3 capsules for your general health, your skin will benefit too. Everyone should be taking them for health, there’s no serious side effects and your skin will thank your for it.

And for your nails and hair as well as for your skin and your health generally.

Remember to take your fish oil. Skin loves good fats along with your whole body.

But not all fish oils are the same and you need to know how to choose the best ones. Visit my website to find out how.

Want to know more about Fish Oil Benefits? Or about the Fish Oil Skin health link? Visit Peter’s Website Healthy Omega 3 Fish Oil.