The Fastest Dog in the World, The Greyhound

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When it comes to speed and agility, no one can deny the supremacy of the Greyhound and in fact, racing tracks and bus transports feature this breed as their brand representation. Being the fastest dog in the planet, the Greyhound has also been quick in enthralling the hearts of many people around the world. Before, this breed was simply competitors in the racing tracks and coursing games but today, it is a beloved and trusted family pet of many homes around the world.

Gifted with long and powerful legs, deep chest, flexible spine and slim body frame, the Greyhound is able to run as fast as 70 kilometers an hour. Additionally, its large heart, light muscular build and high percentage fast-twitch muscle allows it to stride and gallop in immensely long distances. This gallop of the Greyhound is described as the “double suspension rotary gallop” wherein the dog is able to assume two movements in one stride, contraction and extension, while its four legs are up in the air.

Most of these speedy creatures are thin looking and the breed generally lacks in body fat. Because of this, they are practically susceptible to harsh temperatures and so it is recommended to always house them indoors. Additionally, not only does the breed excel in racing and course game but lately enthusiasts have been training them to be competitors in dog shows and dog sports.

Additionally, just because the Greyhound is a fast and energetic runner, it does not mean that it is restless, vicious or aggressive. As it is fervent in running inside the tracks, it is oppositely tame and quiet outside of it. The breed will run if being told to but when the instruction is for it to stay put, it does so without any resistance especially when it is inside the home.

It may be an athlete and a fast being outdoors but the Greyhound can never really be described as an unboundedly energetic creature. Even though it loves running, it does not run mindlessly during ordinary days and in fact, just like other breed of dogs, daily exercise such as walking or light running is enough for this breed to be healthy mentally and physically. It is surprising to learn that the fastest dog on earth is a laidback creature inside the home and because of this, many have called it the “Forty-five mile per hour couch potato.”

However, lack of exercise or regular run in an open area will also dampen the spirits of the Greyhound and this may cause turmoil inside its head and physical health. A Greyhound that is activities-deprived will likely manifest a high-strung behavior and it will tend to be vicious to people it usually knows. In this case, it is still important to allow the breed to release their racer energy once in a while or else they will be destructive kind of dogs.

People do not know it really well but the Greyhound is a sweet and gentle creature that makes for a perfect loyal, devoted and obedient companion. It does what it is told to do and sweetly accompanies the master wherever he may go. This breed is also friendly and unwary of new faces therefore it is suitable to live in an apartment suburban type of dwelling.

There are 30 different colors that are recognized for the Greyhound and some of these are fawn, black, white, brindle, red and blue and may appear in any combinations of these and may have patterns of markings from these colors and their combinations. The Greyhound, additionally, is a short and single coated dog and sheds minimally. The breed is thought to have been developed from the Arabian Sloughi and was introduced by traders to England in the year 900 AD.

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