The Unfortunate Problem With Almost All Christian Marriage Counseling

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Have you and your spouse become that couple that you promised yourself you would never become before you got married?

The couple we’re talking about is something you’re familiar with. The couple that always seems to be bickering. The one where it’s obvious that everyone is frustrated with one another.

The kind where you know in your heart that at least one — and probably both — are cheating.

No one wants to admit it, but this type of couple is the majority. In the Christian church, we have a higher than 50% divorce rate.

I think anyone would agree that what we’ve been doing up to this point hasn’t been working very well.

So what’s wrong?

Why are we still facing an epidemic of divorce in the Christian church when there are all these books, counselors, sermons, programs who knows what else all promising to teach you how to make your marriage succeed?

In a second, when we reveal the answer to that question, you’re going to see why the couples who have finally had their eyes opened to the simple truth that forms the foundation of outrageously happy Christian marriages, your own relationship will be completely transformed.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Yes, we’re going to reveal where you can find a complete and free resource for turning your marriage around no matter how bad it is, but first let’s talk about this for a minute.

Now here’s the simple truth…

Just about all Christian marriage counseling taught in the traditional way just doesn’t work.

But it gets even worse. What we’ve learned in all our years of working with thousands of couples is that, almost without exception, traditional marriage counseling actually does more harm than good.

We understand that it won’t be pleasant for a lot of you to hear that. It’s more than likely that you’ve tried things like the “wife should submit to the husband” system, or other traditional advice. Maybe you’ve even given a shot to the “husband is servant leader plan.”

But still nothing seems to work.

Fourteen years ago, our own marriage was headed for divorce. And we were headed for disaster despite the fact that we were doing everything we were told by traditional “experts” who insisted it was God’s plan for marriage.

We couldn’t possible have saved our relationship if we hadn’t finally learned the truth.

The problem is, most of the advice out there for Christian couples has been misunderstood. Many of the things that traditional Christian marriage counselors teach simply isn’t right.

Just so you understand, it’s not that every single one of these experts is teaching tactics they know are wrong. Most of them don’t mean to harm your marriage.

The real problem comes from their faulty assumptions more than anything else.

So, now we should talk about what exactly these dangerous assumptions actually are, and how you can avoid making them.

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