There Is No Waste With This “Green” Light Bulb

Today it seems you are hearing a great deal about helping the planet and saving energy and going “green”. It is wonderful to see that people are concerned about energy consumption and new technology is slowly becoming more environmentally friendly and one area of this is the light bulb.

The light bulb has been marveled ever since its presentation in 1879 by Thomas Edison. At first an alternative to using kerosene lamps, it was hard to imagine something better than a light bulb coming along. However, today the regular incandescent light bulb is one of the most energy wasting products that there is. Nonetheless, it is also the cheapest product of its kind.

The 1920s brought fluorescent lighting to commercial buildings and garages where a more even light distribution was desired. This type of lighting cut generated heat by up to 75%, compared to the light bulb, and seemed to be a good replacement to the light bulb. But the fluorescent bulb has many drawbacks and is not friendly for residential use. The tubes are large and filled with mercury, temperature sensitive and prone to intermittent flickering not to mention the problem of disposal.

During the 1970s, we began earnestly thinking of energy consumption and the tungsten halogen lamp or quartz lamp was designed. This is a great bulb because of the clarity of light that surpasses the incandescent light bulb, the life span is much longer and requires a much lower voltage. Although the benefits and quality outweigh the common light bulb, the public is still resistant to the change because of the increased cost but many people are moving in this direction just to save in energy consumption.

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The LED (light-emitting diode) is totally different from other light bulbs as we know them. If you’ve ever had an electronic device, you may notice a small red indicator light that shows whether the unit is on or off. This is a LED light. There is no heat given off, no distorted tint, no moving parts, a long life span and energy efficient.

At this time it is relatively costly but the final results will show the savings and benefits of using LCD lighting. From flat screen TV’s to street lights and decorative lighting the energy saving LCD will be around for awhile.

Interested in learning more about LED lighting fixture? I suggest you do some reading here on energy saving lighting.