Thin Arms And Night Eating Syndrome

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Night eating syndrome is your worst enemy if you’re trying to get slim and thin arms.

What is night eating syndrome? In a nutshell, it’s when you eat very little during the day and gorge at night. If you have night eating syndrome, your levels of melatonin, leptin and serotonin will be lower.

But how do you know whether or not you have night eating syndrome to begin with? Well, do you have any of the following symptoms:

1. No breakfast. The complete skipping of breakfast, and in extreme cases lunch, is a cardinal sign of NES. Do you bolt out of your house every morning without having ANYTHING to eat?

2. Poor cognitive capacity during the day. Do you find it hard to focus? Do you begin to doze off when you are doing a repetitive task? Is your mood poor?

3. Multiple awakenings at night followed by trips to the refrigerator. Disturbed sleep and excessive food intake at night are primary characteristics of night eating syndrome victims. The interrupted sleep and caloric load really put the nails in your thin arm coffin.

4. Lots of carbs during the nocturnal feedings. Unfortunately, NES is characterized by depression, anxiety, and other mental maladies. And carbs provide a quick boost in mood. But they also provide a boost in arm girth

5. Have feelings of stress at night when you’re eating. Stress hormones, anxiety, and depression are all characteristics of women with NES. If you are anxious or sad when eating at night, you could be compensating for emotional wounds.

6. Family members with the same patterns. Yep, night eating syndrome runs in the family! So if your family members have it, you’re more likely to have it!

Unfortunately, it’s virtually impossible to get thin and slim arms if you are suffering from night eating syndrome. Why? Because your body will most likely store all that late night food as arm fat. It’s just the way the female metabolism works. So if you have night eating syndrome please seek professional help to overcome it! Only then will you reach sexy arm stardom.

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