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You’ll certainly want to stop panic attacks before they even start to banish your panic for good. There are several things you can do is put yourself in a better mindset and to relax your body.
You should use these techniques at the first sign of a panic attack! Remember — once the panic attack is allowed to build it will turn out to be far more severe than if you stop it before it really starts.
Some strategies include:
Flooding — flooding is a longer-term technique that you will want to use under the care of your doctor. This is when you face your biggest fears and panic-inducing situations and allow them to come in full force. While this sounds scary (and it is!), it is truly the best way to see that the end result you fear will actually not come true. Facing your fears in this way can in fact make it so that you have to deal with panic attacks related to that trigger ever again.
Slow breathing — many people think that deep breathing is the way to go when you are experiencing panic attacks. Actually, deep breathing can lead to hyperventilation; which is not a good thing when you’re in the middle of the attack! It is a much better idea to practice slow breathing, since that will give you a better handle on your fears and will put your body back into a calmer state.
Exercise — sitting down somewhere quietly is not the best way to end your panic attacks. It will just give you time to think about the things that are wrong, and can increase your panic levels. If you exercise instead, positive endorphins will be released in your body; which can get rid of the panic! Exercising is not only good for your body, it is great for your mind as well.
Knowing what triggers your attacks — it’s very important that you understand what comes immediately before your panic attacks. Some people know what their triggers are, while others have to keep track of their panic attacks to determine some common links. You have to know what triggers your own attacks so you can learn to change your mindset about these things, and you can learn to avoid them in some cases.
Learning how to stop panic attacks is essential if you want to live a normal life again. This often means knowing how to prevent the panic attacks from happening in the first place. It is all part of an overall treatment plan that you should be seeking right now.