Treating and Preventing Cancer in Cats

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It can be hard to imagine how or why cancer in cats is so prevalent. Shockingly, 50% of all cats over the age of 10 have some form of cancer.

Although veterinary research has led to advances that can extend the life of cats with cancer, it fails to focus on the cause. Radiation and chemotherapy are expensive and quite toxic to a pet whose immune system is already weak. Non-toxic, alternative therapies offer great hope. When administered along with radiation and chemo they can offset the toxic effects of cancer treatment. Some holistic vets are having success using them as an alternative to conventional treatment.

There are many different types of cancer in cats, with varying survival and cure rates. Each may be treated differently. But the underlying cause of cancer is a weakened immune system.

The Cornerstone of Health- The Immune System

Your cat’s body is replacing old worn out cells ever day. As the old cells die, they are removed to the colon as waste, and replaced with new cells that are identical! When your cats’ immune system is healthy, the amount of replacement cells is equal to the amount of cells that die off: Any abnormal cells are quickly identified and removed before they can replicate.

When the immune system does not perform its function correctly, two things happen:

1.Cells do not die off when they should, and more cells are produced, leading to more cells than there should be.

2. Abnormal cells that are not being recognized by the immune system begin to replicate. These conglomerations of abnormal and damaged cells begin to bind together, and form a mass- cancer.

Primary Causes of Cat Cancer

There are many causes, but recent research has shown that two of the cornerstones of pet ownership, vaccinations and manufactured pet foods contribute to immune system break down.

Since a compromised or faulty immune system ultimately leads to cancer, it is logical to assume that supporting the immune system can help to prevent cancer in healthy pets, as well as encourage the immune system to fight back against cancer cells in sick cats.

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