Use Elevated Dog Bowl For All Your Cute Dogs

When you bring a puppy home, you are all excited to see him grow each day. But you are not sure how tall he is going to be as a full grown up dog. Hence investing on an elevated dog bowl at an early stage is not a wise decision. But once he grows up his mouth and floor distance increases and he has to make more effort and bend more in order to reach to his food or bowl. It is an important issue to be taken cared of, as feeding should be comfortable for your pet.

When the pet has to bend very low for his food, in the process he ingests lot of air as well along with his food and especially dog just gulp the food. They gulp food and air together and this makes it very uncomfortable.

The dog bowl in the market come is all kind of fancy shapes and designs. When you picking a dog bowl for your dog make sure that you make the right choice and keep in mind the above descried issue of blotting so might as well think of elevating there bowl to make sure your dog is happy while eating.

When the dog age, like human even they have the tendency of weak bones and arthritis. It is very painful and creates lot of discomfort while bending, walking etc. Elevated dog bowl is perfect for dog suffering from bone problems, as they do not have to bend in order to reach the food. For a dog that has severe condition, it becomes almost impossible to crouch and eat. The pressure on the backbone, hip, legs increases which makes it very unpleasant and painful for them.

So how do you decide what is the right elevation for your dog? The method for calculating it is very simple. You just have to know your dogs wither height and then subtract 6 inches from the wither height and you can find the right height for elevated bowl. If it is small breed dog then just subtract 4 inches.
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You can also find them in various shapes and designs. Some are very fancy and you can match them with your home decor. The bowl should be removable so that it can be easily cleaned and placed back again. Most of the feeders come is stainless steel that can be easily cleaned in your dishwasher.

You can have these elevated bowls in pair of two or three bowls all attached together. If you have more dog, each one can have their own elevated dog bowl as per their height and this also avoids conflict when giving them all food.

You can find variety of these feeding dogs bowls even online. You can see the exact picture and have the description mentioned to make your choice easy. There are many online pet stores that have all the products that will make your pets life more easy and enjoyable.

Dogs are man’s best friend so to speak that is why we need to pamper our pets with love and care. One way to do that is by providing them elevated dog bowl which allow them to devour food comfortably. Or you may want to try wrought iron wine racks.