Using Positive Affirmations

Your subconscious thoughts determine almost everything in your mind. In order to build a positive mind, you need positive statements. You can create positive subconscious thoughts by consistently repeating positive statements. These statements are positive affirmations.

Once you instate these positive thoughts, they will reinforce the positive image you would like to hold of yourself. Old negative thoughts will be replaced with new positive thoughts on a conscious and subconscious level. This will create a new positive reality and give you access to all the positive energy you have within yourself.

Each emotion needs to be experience fully while using positive affirmations. Close your eyes and imagine and believe that each state is a fact and is true. If you visualize and feel these emotions, your results will happen more quickly.

You should be using affirmations frequently for at least 30 days. It usually takes three weeks to make a change in your mental image and for some people it may take longer. That’s why I suggest 30 days. You can write them down and take them with you until you know them by heart. This shouldn’t take long, because you are using them so frequently.

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Doing your best to get rid of negative thoughts will help increase your chances of success with positive affirmations. As soon as you notice you are thinking negatively, stop, notice and eject the thought.

Most of us have been programmed from birth to think negatively. We didn’t do it on purpose, we simply did it unconsciously. Once you begin to be conscious of your thoughts and thought patterns, you can begin to change them. In the beginning, you may not notice all of your negative thoughts or you may notice them several hours after they have happened. Simply acknowledge that you had the thought and eject it. Don’t beat yourself up, that encourages negative thinking. Just move on. After a few days, you will become much faster and noticing your thoughts. And before you realize you can catch these negative thoughts before they start.

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