Weight Reduction Explained – Easily Lose 20 Pounds

We could be putting on weight because we have too much stress in our lives and not enough sleep. How many of us today try to take on far too much? We rush around from pillar to post, in reality struggling to do anything really well. The tension rises as we bounce from one challenge to the next! So we comfort ourselves with food.

However, it now appears possible that there is a scientific correlation between times of stress and eating fattening food. This is the thinking behind weight gain that is stress related: When the human body undergoes enduring tension, it exudes the stress-hormone cortisol.

Then in an attempt to stabilise our blood sugar, an insulin release is stimulated. The insulin release increases our appetite, and in particular our need for foods containing lots of carbohydrates and fats. If we succumb, we benefit from a much needed energy boost.

Our stress levels stabilise and we feel more at one. But very soon afterwards, our energy boost plummets! To explain – the glucose now in our bloodstream is captured by the insulin and transferred to the fat deposits around our body.

So when we’re looking to establish a new diet regime, we might just help ourselves even more if we look to establish a less stressful lifestyle. Alongside this concept, think about how much sleep you’re getting. Some years ago, the average night’s sleep was eight hours – now we’re lucky if we manage seven.
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Obesity levels have risen in conjunction with fewer hours sleep, and some researchers put this down to hormones. Poor sleep patterns stimulate an increase in our appetite hormones. Since we have a longer ‘day time’, the body’s logic is that it needs more food.

Obviously, when we’re tired, we feel the need for more fuel to energise ourselves, and once again we crave high fats and carbs. Weight gain problems therefore could be helped by simply taking a full eight hours sleep.

In conclusion – a simpler life could be just the spur our weight loss program needs. It’s not the end of the world if something has to be left until tomorrow! Then when evening time comes around, enjoy a little me-time and then it’s early to bed!

(C) Scott Edwards. Visit WeightLossDietWar.com for the best information on reduce belly fat and diet pills weight loss.