What Are Blogs?

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The term blog is just an abbreviation for the word “weblog”. Originally blogs were online diaries however these days they have transformed into fully fledged content management systems that many different types of sites can use.

Even very large sites that you would never expect to be using free software are actually using WordPress and other blogging platforms. That just shows you how popular blogging solutions have become these days.

Blogs have many benefits such as inbuilt RSS feeds that can alert people and websites when your blog has been updated with a new post.

One more great benefit is that no HTML, web design, or programming skills are needed to publish a website blog, since the management system makes it easy for you.

To post a new article, simply log on to your admin panel. Additionally, you can control how your site looks, manage plugins (the pieces of software that add functionality and flair to your blog) and configure many other tasks.

Most people who are making money blogging are simply publishing articles, reviews, previews, ideas and advice about a topic that interests them.

You can earn money through your blog by using affiliate links and banners, Adsense ads, selling banner slots, by selling a product, and other methods. As a matter of fact, the ways in which you can earn money from blogging are unlimited.

The software that is used by the great majority of people for blogging is WordPress. This free script can be downloaded from wordpress.org and then uploaded to your web host. A one click interface is available through various web hosts permitting the installation of WordPress in a matter of seconds.

A great feature of WordPress is the fact that readers can comment on your blog posts. This keeps all of your articles active in the search engines, generates increased interest and keeps people coming back to your site.

You can easily create a community of readers through your blog comments — be sure that you acknowledge the posts so people realize that you care about what they have to say.

So now that you know what are blogs you can get started creating your very own niche blogging empire!

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