Do you want to save cash in your next laptop purchase? If so, then you might want to assume about leaving out components you don’t need. Not just does this save you cash and weight, it also means your laptop is more lean, mean and productive. Read on and discover more about what items you don’t need in your laptop.
1. Optical Drive The first item I’d always tell my friends to omit in their laptops is the optical CD or DVD drive. I don’t have a drive in my current Lenovo X61 ThinkPad. The key reason is that you don’t always access it. Think about it. It’s true isn’t it? You can always copy the data you need into your hard drive since they are so big nowadays. The best thing about omitting the optical drive is that you cut off a lot of weight from the laptop. And heck, you also save money.
2. Extra Battery Next item I assume you don’t need is – an additional battery. Ok, granted, I did mention previously in some other articles that an additional battery is a must. But increasingly, I find that unless you’re on extended travel, it is not necessary. It’s really likely needed for drastic road warriors. As long as you bring along your fully charged battery, you won’t need a second additional battery.
3. Infrared Connectivity One thing that is increasingly uncommon in laptops these days is infrared connectivity. Most of us use USB / Bluetooth nowadays. If you find a laptop model touting its infrared connectivity as a plus point, try to find a model without the feature instead, in order to save some money. Some phones / devices don’t support infrared and it’s also an old technology.
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5. ExpressCard Slot The last item I feel you don’t need in your laptop is the ExpressCard slot. These days, most peripherals are USB or Bluetooth based. There is hardly any need for ExpressCard slots since you can hardly find any peripherals supporting it. I used to find wireless network cards slotting into ExpressCard slots, but those network cards are mostly built into laptops now. Remove them from your laptop configuration and save money.
Conclusion Well, I hope this article has helped you understand what components you can pass over in your laptop configuration. Doing this helps to save you cash and laptop weight. Best of all, you’ll be satisfied knowing your laptop is a lean, mean productive machine. So remember these tips the next time you’re out shopping for a laptop.
Francua Smith is a good Computer specialist who has a lot of experience on laptop computers. He will help you to choose your own practical laptop computer.