Which Home Remedies to Cure Body Acne Work Best?

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What is body acne?

Body acne is acne that forms on your chest, back, butt, or arms, or anywhere else on your body that is not your face. I’ve dealt with it personally, and I have to just say ewww, it’s yucky.

Body acne is often worse than face acne, because the acne nodes are usually bigger, deeper, and more painful. Body acne also usually takes longer to go away.

In this article I will show you 3 home remedies for acne and tell you if they work.

Home remedy #1.

I heard of this one a while back, but it still seems to be popular. Toothpaste is the first home remedy. I personally have never found any evidence that this works, but I know that some people swear by it.

If you apply toothpaste directly to the acne nodule, it won’t hurt, but in my experience it doesn’t help either. It just doesn’t have enough active ingredients to do much good. So as a home remedy for acne on your body, I would probably avoid this one.

Home remedy #2

The second home remedy is Witch Hazel. Now Witch Hazel is a funny name, but it is also a natural astringent. You can find witch hazel in a bottle at drug stores for less than a latte.

To apply witch hazel, just soak a cotton ball and apply directly to your pimple. It is very soothing, and sometimes reduces redness. If you have a mild case of body acne than try witch hazel, it will probably help.

Home remedy #3

Over the counter products that contain Salicylic Acid. For mild to moderate acne (and sometimes even severe cases) a solution with Salicylic Acid is often the body acne treatments you can do at home.

Salicylic Acid can fight acne really well on it’s own, but when you combine it in a product that contains citric acid, you really have a winner that will clear acne fast.

This one is a little more pricey (usually about $20 a month) but is in my experience the best cure for a home remedy for acne on the body.

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