Who Experiences Night Sweats During Perimenopause Age?

Perimenopause is something that every woman goes through at a certain stage of her life and therefore it is nothing to be afraid of. The symptoms associated with this very natural condition (hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety) are also common among women and there are many ways to overcome their potential influence over your otherwise very normal and content life. However, first understanding what brings about these changes in your body is the best way to proceed.One of the more testing symptom of perimenopause are the night flashes (which occur in the night, as the name suggests). Many efforts have been made to determine the causes of these sweaty episodes. They can be best explained in terms of the instability of your hormonal composition that confuses the brain into making the wrong decisions for your body.

The hormonal, balance which distinguishes the period of your life before menopause, is lost once you approach middle-age. The part of human brain (hypothalamus) that overlooks this balance by controlling the rate of hormone production through a complex set of neuron activity, no longer remains in power once the natural decline of some of the hormones (such as estrogen) starts taking place. The neural response to this apparent anomaly remains highly variable i.e. some women develop stronger symptoms in comparison with others.

There is no recognizable pattern to help predict the possibility and intensity of night sweats and hot flashes that a woman might encounter. Research has indicated that approximately 75% of all women have night sweats. Hypothalamus, coincidentally being the section which regulates the internal body temperature as well, is tricked into lowering the optimal temperature by the estrogen depletion. Hence, the hormonal activity just before a night sweat or a hot flash makes the brain release a heat wave because it thinks the body has been subjected to excess heat (which, of course, is not the case).

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Emotional stress is one of those things that does the most damage in terms of making women vulnerable to sweating episodes. Anxiety and emotional instability are found to be at the heart of determining the very frequency and intensity of menopausal symptoms. Various studies confirm this observation and appropriate measures are suggested to help overcome this disadvantage. Breathing and meditative exercises are known bring down the anxiety levels.Once these anxiety levels cross a certain limit, they generate stress hormones which drain the body’s capacity to handle hormonal activity. This hinders the efforts put into achieving harmony among different systems within the human frame and proves disastrous.It is therefore of the utmost importance that you do not ignore your psychological health because, if not taken care of, it can have far reaching consequences.

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