Women, Want to Get Serious Results – Eat 4 to 6 Times a Day

You know that what you eat has a really big impact on how your look and the results you get from you fitness program. Well did you know that you can actually get better results by eating more. Yes, eating up to 6 meals a day is better at burning fat than eating just 3 meals a day.

It’s important if you want to get really great results from you fitness lifestyle and work that you understand why eating this much is so good for you. If you’re like me, you were raised to eat 3 meals a day… one of those was probably a small breakfast.

Again, eating 6 meals a day is the secret to keeping your body revved up and burning calories all day long. At first it is very different, but once you get used to it, you will begin to see and more importantly feel the results. You will never have to worry about being hungry again and begin to say hello to a new energy.

So without further ado here are the perks and benefits for women to eat 4-6 times a day:

1. INCREASES METABOLISM: By giving smaller meals more frequently the body is constantly working to digest and voila! The metabolism is increasing. Remember that the faster your metabolism is, the more calories your body needs to function at 100% and therefore the easier it is to lose weight.

2. HELLO to ENERGY: You will feel like the energizer bunny. Without having the up and down sugar levels your body will have extra energy and that annoying starvation feeling will be a memory!

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4. Body Fat Loss with No Starvation: Eating so often is a great habit for you to be in because you will learn that staving yourself does not lead to fat loss. It’s actually quite the opposite… starvation leads to fat gain.

5. Your the Food Expert: When you eat that often, you have to plan your meals. When you plan your meals, you naturally become a lot more aware of what you’re eating. That helps you put only the best food in your body. And a great side benefit of this is you will no longer have to rely on the unhealthy snack machine at work.

6. FEEDING THE MUSCLE: Learn to incorporate all food groups- protein, carbs, and fats (there are good for you fats) into every meal. Getting a balanced diet will through your muscle gains into full gear.

So eat 6 meals a day because when you do, you will see that your body will quickly change into a fat burning machine. Incorporate a great women’s workout program and in only a few months you will have a brand new body.

Taylor Ryan is a NASM certified personal trainer. She has devoted her career to helping women learn to properly weight train through her fitness strength training for women systems. She also provides custom tailored fitness routines and diet help from here womens workout routines site here.