Byron Jonas

Important Tips For Parenting Teenagers

When your baby is born, you may dream of what it will be like when your child grows up. You may fast forward in your mind to the many school dances, cheerful holidays and family vacations filled with excitement. Chances are, none of those daydreams will be filled with the arguments or door slamming that may take place once your child enters the teen years. Parenting your teenager can be tough work!

Days at the Beach with an Outdoor Instant Shelters Marquee

It’s difficult to say why the memories of summer stand out so prominently in the mind. The extra dose of sunshine and heat seems to awaken the inner child in all of us, drawing us to the beach and the inviting ocean. Whatever it is, there’s nothing like spending a day at the beach with great friends and family.

Outdoor Instant Shelters and the Perfect Beach Day

Memories of the summertime hold a special place in the hearts of all of us. There is something about the added sun and heat that makes everyone feel young, drawing crowds to the beaches and seashores all over the country. However you would like to explain it, passing your summer days at the beach is a must in the summertime.