Seniors Day every Tuesday at Medora

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It is heartwarming to know that there are organizations focused to give support to our elderly. In countries like the Philippines, they have strong family ties which make them care for their grandparents, parents or old family members until old age. There are a few Senior Nursing Homes in the Philippines and Filipinos are actually proud of that fact. It just goes to show that they are bound to reciprocate the love, care and attention that their parents gave them when they were little.

At Medora, North Dakota the “Seniors Day Every Tuesday” movement is a weekly event that caters to Senior members various activities. In here there are several activities such as fitness regimens, moral and spiritual team building support, fun and active games, Senior socialization and field trips. You may invite your parents or grandparents to attend this event and bond with fellow Senior members.

Come to think of it. Being a Senior should not stop anyone from enjoying life and having fun. Life does not stop when you reach 60, heck they even said that it begins at 40. A research once concluded that older people are much happier than young ones. Apart from all of this the bottom line still remains that old people should be treated with love, respect and care.

for the fitness regimen, it includes yoga classes and active sex therapy for elderly couples. The aim of this activity is to enrich the sex life of aging couples. The moral and spiritual team building support proved to be the most favorite event of all, because in here Seniors get to relate interpersonally with their peers. They get to share their life experiences and lessons to others.

Don’t just think that being a Senior will leave you playing cheese or knitting quilts for the rest of your life! There are many more things to do. Life goes on and fun doesn’t stop while you’re still alive.

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