Daily Archives: February 11, 2009

5 Popular Quit Smoking Products

There are many products that can assist you quit smoking. Even though neither of them can fully guarantee success, a quit smoking product can successfully relieve the cessation process. Below is a brief overview at 5 most popular quit smoking products and their effects.

What You Need To Know About Body Lice

Lice can become an individual health issue in one of three ways. The three sorts that have to be dealt with if you or a family member experience a lice infestation are head lice, pubic lice or body lice. Like head lice, an individual gets infected by body lice by direct contact with someone else who is carrying the pests. You cannot pick up lice from furniture or carpets as they broadly cannot subsist in these environments for more than forty eight hours. However, you can contract body lice from clothing that was in contact with an infected person as the lice can attach themselves to the fabrics of the cloth of the item of clothing.