Daily Archives: December 9, 2009

Getting Setup Via Your Linksys Wireless Router.

A Linksys wireless router allows the computers in your home to access the internet wirelessly. Depending on the type of wireless route you go, you may or may not have to connect the main computer via Ethernet cord to the router and then link all other computers wireless. They do have completely wireless routers, but I wanted to make sure you know there are different kinds and ways to make a connection.

Gift Grab-Bagging

If you’re trying to find Christmas gifts, you’ve come to the right Internet. Seeing as how nearly $800 million worth of commerce goes through the Internet(s) at any given moment, I think you might find something for someone out there. I know you hate the traffic and flying elbows of the Christmas rush, so what better way to stay cloistered than to order goodies for people online. Think of yourself as an e-Santa.

Rub, Then Lights Out

It’s a loose term, but “miracle” applies to — of all things — contact solution. Yeah, I said it. It’s a miracle — especially the no-rub business. You just squirt your lenses, cap them, and off you go to slumber land. In terms of the contact care world, the no-rub has been like a revolution. It plays perfectly to our inherent American aversion to time-consuming tasks.