James Pynn

Design, Don’t Be Resigned

If you’re trying to redesign a room in your home or apartment, you have to consider one powerful lighting solution: the track. For most forward-thinking people, the conventional lamp and lampshade fall from favor relatively soon. Why put up with dark spot in your living room or a dismal corner in your study? It’s your space, you’re paying for the privilege of living there — make it yours!

One-Day or Disposable: Contacts

It is hard for some people to shake the stigma of disposable contacts as being somehow wasteful or irresponsible. This is why the industry opted to use the “one-day” moniker for disposables. The word “disposable” once conjured images of convenience and forward-thinking industry. Now, unfortunately, it conjures images of waste, landfills, and Al Gore. The key to remember is that almost everything is disposable now.

Gift Grab-Bagging

If you’re trying to find Christmas gifts, you’ve come to the right Internet. Seeing as how nearly $800 million worth of commerce goes through the Internet(s) at any given moment, I think you might find something for someone out there. I know you hate the traffic and flying elbows of the Christmas rush, so what better way to stay cloistered than to order goodies for people online. Think of yourself as an e-Santa.