Monthly Archives: October 2010

Body Surface Variables

Animals may be taught to starve themselves to death. Experiments were performed with a fish, placed in a tank with a glass plate separating it from its food, so that every time it swam towards the food it bumped its nose. After many trials, it stopped trying to obtain the food even when the glass plate was removed. This behavior is analogous to that of the people who were seeking jobs during the depression, only to be turned down time after time. Then, when jobs became available, they were afraid to ask for them. In this sense, frustration reduces action and pecking order. Many experiments show that children’s position in the classroom or pecking order may be changed by the activities of the teacher.

Japan’s Pro Wrestling Icon: Mitsuharu Misawa

Mitsuharu Misawa died in Hiroshima, Japan earlier this year less than a week before his 47th birthday. He was in a tag team match for his Pro Wrestling NOAH promotion with Go Shiozaki against Bison Smith and Akitoshi Saito. Saito hit a back suplex on Misawa, which appeared to knock him unconscious. Medical staff attempted to revive him in the ring, but when CPR failed he was taken to a hospital by ambulance. He never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead on arrival.

Decorating With Our Senses

When decorating interiors, homeowners most often rely on their sense of sight to gauge how attractive a room is. Most, however, forget that there are four other senses that the human body uses and these are as important as sight. The best and most comprehensive room designs are those that are able to engage all five senses and create a space that’s best experienced and not just seen.