Body Surface Variables

Animals may be taught to starve themselves to death. Experiments were performed with a fish, placed in a tank with a glass plate separating it from its food, so that every time it swam towards the food it bumped its nose. After many trials, it stopped trying to obtain the food even when the glass plate was removed. This behavior is analogous to that of the people who were seeking jobs during the depression, only to be turned down time after time. Then, when jobs became available, they were afraid to ask for them. In this sense, frustration reduces action and pecking order. Many experiments show that children’s position in the classroom or pecking order may be changed by the activities of the teacher.

Science has produced experimental neuroses in monkeys, cats and dogs, which severely impaired their behavior. The animal was made neurotic by first teaching it to obtain food by operating a switch or a lever, jumping at a signal, or moving in a certain direction. After learning to do this, the animal was then frightened by an electric shock, a blast of air, or a toy snake, just at the moment it expected to receive the food. Thus, the animal was first rewarded for its act by being given food, and then punished for the very same act. When the animal was first traumatized in this way, depending on its degree of hunger, the possibility of escape, and other factors, it would become startled, proceed to work the switches again, and with some hesitation open the food box. When traumatized Again two to seven times in cats or dogs, and more in monkeys a pattern of aberration became clearly present: the animal would be startled easily, develop asthmatic breathing, anorexia, flatulence, diarrhea, muscular tics, markedly diminished heterosexual interest, and increased activities.

If a chicken sees a worm, the chicken will usually walk over and eat it. But Erich von Hoist has noticed that chickens have a special place in their brain which, when stimulated electrically by an electrode inserted into the brain, causes the chicken to become afraid, look alarmed, and try to run away. If the chicken becomes attracted to the worm and then is given a very light electrical stimulation through the electrode, the chicken walks around the worm, is attentive to it, but afraid. When the electricity is turned off, the chicken rebounds with a rush at the worm and eats it with much more intensity than he had previously without the fear stimulation.

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Something very similar to this undoubtedly happens in the child with strabismus, who suppresses the visual image. Here, as in imprinting, time is of the essence: if the divergence from normal is caught at the beginning, it can be corrected; later, it is irremediable. For Gerard, important molecular, chemical, or electrical changes accompany many mental diseases, and he feels specific chemical or electrical therapies will be developed some day to cure or reduce such illness.

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