3 Exciting Benefits Of Green Tea

Ever since the West first started learning about the healthy properties of green tea, scientists have been discovering why it is able to offer so much to our health. Green tea is an excellent source of antioxidants, which are good for the heart and cholesterol levels, and the simulating effects are useful for weight control. There are also some lesser known, but equally important benefits of green tea that scientists are researchers have recently discovered. Truthfully, everyone should drink green tea every day; but now we’ll talk about a couple of the reasons why we say that.

Green tea has properties that help to promote and maintain oral health. This is important in itself, but recently health experts have found a connection between dental health and the heart, which makes it even more essential to take good care of your mouth. Check out the ingredients of natural toothpastes, and in some you will see that green tea is included. But it’s amazing because you don’t have to brush with green tea; studies have shown that simply drinking the tea will help with tooth decay prevention. You can also join the fight against dental plaque with green tea because it contains substances that fight certain oral bacteria formation. Therefore, adding green tea to your diet for dental health reasons is easy to do.

Another health condition that green tea may be effective at preventing and treating is arthritis and other bone related disorders. Green tea accomplishes this with its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. Drinking green tea, or taking in capsule, over time will certainly provide some measure of relief or support for those with pain associated with joint inflammation, etc. This is good news for the many people who suffer with this kind of ailment, and for those who want to avoid such problems as they get older.

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As you have read, green tea is tremendously beneficial for overall health. For this reason, it’s likely that more unexpected benefits will be found as more studies are done. A healthy substance will tend to be good for the body as a whole. This is why you may want to make green tea a part of your regular diet, no matter what your particular health concerns may be.

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